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The first 8,000 men of the...

history · 10 May 1918 · 107 years ago

The first 8,000 men of the Czech Legion arrived in Vladivostok, Russia. But there was still no sign of shipping to take them out. The Legion had by this time grown to around 70,000 men including many new recruits picked up from prisoner of war camps en route. Although the decision had been taken weeks before, nobody in Vladivostok or in the Legion (which was strung out along the railway from the Kiev to Vladivostok) had been made aware of the Allies plan to link up with the forces at Archangel. The Japanese refused to co-operate and with no other real control or information about the Legion's future, many in the Legion were growing acutely suspicious of both the Bolsheviks and the Allies motives. 

More history on 10 May