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German submarine U-126...

history · 29 June 1942 · 83 years ago

German submarine U-126 attacked Canadian sailing vessel Mona Marie 50 miles southwest of Barbados at 0125 hours, forcing the crew of 8 to abandon ship. At 0610 hours, U-754 sank British merchant ship Waiwera 400 miles northwest of the Azores islands; 8 were killed, 97 survived. U-153 sank American merchant vessel Ruth with a torpedo 320 miles northeast of Barbuda; 35 were killed, 4 survived. At 1355 hours, U-505 sank American merchant ship Thomas McKean with two torpedoes, 350 miles northeast of Puerto Rico. At 1745 hours, U-158 sank Latvian merchant ship Everalda 360 miles southwest of Bermuda; all 36 aboard survived.  

More history on 29 Jun