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German submarines U-379 and...

history · 08 August 1942 · 83 years ago

German submarines U-379 and U-176 attacked Allied convoy SC-94 485 miles southeast of the southern tip of Greenland in the afternoon; at 1325 hours, U-379 fatally damaged British merchant ship Anneberg and sank US merchant ship Kaimoku (50 survived); at 1518 hours, U-176 sank British merchant ship Kelso (3 were killed, 40 survived), sank British merchant ship Trehata (23 were killed, 25 survived), and disabled Greek merchant ship Mount Kassion (47 survived). British corvette HMS Dianthus counterattacked U-379 by ramming and depth charges, sinking the German submarine; 40 were killed, 5 survived. 

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