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German submarine U-404...

history · 11 September 1942 · 83 years ago

German submarine U-404 attacked Allied convoy ON-127 800 miles west of Ireland, damaging Norwegian tanker Marit II at 0016 hours; 2 were killed. At 0135 hours, U-218 also attacked the same convoy, damaging Norwegian tanker Fjordaas. At 0147 hours, U-584 sank British tanker Empire Oil 765 miles west of Ireland, which was a member of ON-127 that was already disabled by U-659 on the previous date and already abandoned. Elsewhere, U-96 sank Portuguese sailing vessel Delães at 1150 hours, U-517 sank corvette HMCS Charlottetown in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in northeastern Canada at 1300 hours (9 were killed, 55 survived), and U-584 sank Norwegian merchant ship Hindanger at 1925 hours (1 was killed, 40 survived). 

More history on 11 Sep