history · 04 September 1943 · 82 years ago
First Lieutenant Jay T. Robbins, a P-38 fighter pilot with US 8th Fighter Group's 80th Squadron based at Port Moresby, New Guinea who had already gained a number of victories, whilst on patrol over the invasion beachhead on northern New Guinea shot down four Japanese Zero fighters during the course of a single sortie. Then with no ammunition left, damaged controls and one engine failing he broke off the engagement with three more Japanese fighters in hot pursuit. Flying low over the sea he led the enemy over some American cruisers and destroyers that were supporting the landing operations. Anti-aircraft fire from the ships drove off the Japanese planes allowing Lieutenant Robbins' crippled aircraft to limp back to base. Robbins went on to become the fourth-ranking US ace of the Pacific war with 22 victories to his credit.
More history on 04 Sep