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8 squadrons of bombers...

history · 12 October 1943 · 82 years ago

8 squadrons of bombers launched from Dobodura Airfield, Australian Papua, with escorting US and Australian fighters, attacked Rapopo Airfield, Vunakanau Airfield, and Tobera Airfield at Rabaul, New Britain. The Allies lost 3 B-24, 1 B-25, and 1 Beaufighter aircraft. The Japanese suffered eight damaged ships (transport Tsukushi, oiler Naruto, destroyer Mochizuki, destroyer Minazuki, destroyer Tachikaze, submarine I-7, submarine I-80, and submarine RO-105), six transports sunk, 4 A6M aircraft destroyed, 9 A6M aicraft damaged, and some fuel dumps destroyed. 

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