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Louis Sullivan

science · 14 April 1924 · 101 years ago

death Died 14 Apr 1924 at age 67 (born 3 Sep 1856).
Louis (Henry) Sullivan was an American architect who is identified with the aesthetics and innovation of early skyscraper design. Called the “Father of Modernism,” he was greatly influenced Frank Lloyd Wright and others. He was one of the first to design skyscrapers, such as the Wainwright building in St Louis (1890-91) and the Carson store in Chicago (1899-1904). His experimental, functional skeleton constructions of skyscrapers and office blocks included the Gage building and Stock Exchange, Chicago. His more than 100 works in collaboration (1879-95) with Dankmar Adler include the Auditorium Building, Chicago (1866-89) and the Guaranty Building, Buffalo.

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