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Ashley Montagu

science · 26 November 1999 · 26 years ago

death Died 26 Nov 1999 at age 94 (born 28 Jun 1905).

British anthropologist who is noted for his works popularizing anthropology and science. By working out the embryology of the upper jaw, Montagu enabled surgeons to repair cleft palates. Montagu made contributions in a wide variety of fields, of which his analysis of the concept of race will remain his his most important legacy. The subject interested him from the 1930s and by 1942 he published Man's Most Dangerous Myth; The Fallacy of Race. In 1950, he was asked by UNESCO to frame their statement on race. His fifty books include The Elephant Man, which formed the basis of the play and movie of the same name. Other topics included social factors in crime, home birth and prenatal care, birth order, privacy, smaking and natural foods.

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