science · 31 March 1880 · 145 years ago
In 1880, Wabash, Ind. was the first town in which electric lighting completely replaced gas lamps. Four 4,000 candle-power Brush arc lamps, suspended 50 feet above the business district were powered by a small dynamo connected to a threshing machine's steam engine outside the courthouse (where one of the original lamps is still on display). “Promptly as the courthouse clock struck eight ... a shower of sparks emitted from a point above ... growing more brilliant until ... it was absolutely dazzling.” According to the Wabash Plain Dealer, “People stood overwhelmed with awe, as if in the presence of the supernatural. The strange, weird light, exceeded in power only by the sun, rendered the square as light as midday. ... Men fell on their knees ... and many were dumb with amazement.”