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Sir Edward Sabine

science · 14 October 1788 · 237 years ago

Sir Edward Sabine birth Born 14 Oct 1788; died 26 Jun 1883 at age 94.
Irish-English physicist, astronomer and explorer who studied the shape of the Earth and its magnetic field. He was commissioned in the Royal Artillery, and reached the rank of major-general before retiring in 1877. As an explorer, the party's astronomer, he joined the expedition of John Ross to find the Northwest Passage (1818). He also went with Parry on an Arctic expedition (1819-20). Through experiments using a pendulum at different global locations, he determined the shape of the Earth (1821-3). Sabine also studied the earth's magnetic field, and on 6 Apr 1852 announced the link between sunspots and irregular geomagnetic variations.

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