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Maximillian Franz Joseph...

science · 03 October 1932 · 93 years ago

Maximillian Franz Joseph Cornelius (Max) Wolf death Died 3 Oct 1932 at age 69 (born 21 Jun 1863).
Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius Wolf was a German astronomer who founded and directed the Königstuhl Observatory. He used wide-field photography to study the Milky Way and used statistical treatment of star counts to prove the existence of clouds of dark matter. He was among the first astronomers to show that the spiral nebulae have absorption spectra typical of stars and thus differ from gaseous nebulae. His most important contribution was the introduction of photography to discover hundreds of asteroids, the first of which he named Brucia in honor of the donor of his 16-inch double telescope, Catherine Wolfe Bruce.

More science on 03 Oct