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Telephone fax

science · 03 October 1922 · 103 years ago

Telephone fax In 1922, city telephone lines were used for the first time in the U.S. for the transmission of a facsimile photo in Washington, DC. Charles F. Jenkins sent an image from 1519 Connecticut Ave to the U.S. Navy Radio Staion NOF at Anacostia, D.C. Witnesses from the U.S.Navy and the Post Office Dept. attended the transmission. A photographic plate was used to record the signals at 5502 16th St, N.W. Washington, D.C. Earlier in the year, on 11 Jun 1922, a photograph had been sent by radio across the Atlantic from Rome to Bar Harbor, Maine. That transmission reproduced a 7 x 9.5 in. halftone picture, using light falling on a selenium cell to form the dots.

More science on 03 Oct