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Surgery book

science · 28 February 1561 · 464 years ago

Surgery book In 1561, Ambroise Paré published La méthode curative des playes et fractures de la teste humaine (Treatment Method for Wounds and Fractures of the Human Head). It was written in response to an inquiry following the accidental death of Henri II (1559), who was struck in the eye by a lance during a tournament. The first part (which was reprinted in Paré's Anatomie Universelle, 15 Apr 1561), covered the anatomy of the cranium with woodcut illustrations after Andreas Vesalius. In the second part, Paré described his methods of treatment of head wounds, skull fractures and diseases of the facial organs. The text included abundant figures of his surgical instruments. For his innovative methods, Paré is known as “the father of modern surgery.”

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