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Stanford Moore

science · 23 August 1982 · 43 years ago

Stanford Moore death Died 23 Aug 1982 at age 68 (born 4 Sep 1913).

American biochemist, who shared (with Christian B. Anfinsen and William H. Stein) the 1972 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of ribonuclease molecule, an enzyme. Enzymes are large molecules (macromolecules). The way in which an enzyme accelerates a chemical reaction involves an interaction of the reacting substance (the substrate) with only a limited part of the enzyme molecule, its active site. Moore and Stein have carried out investigations which supplement each other and have led to a complete elucidation of the sequence of amino acids in the enzyme ribonuclease.

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