science · 13 October 1868 · 157 years ago
In 1868, Thomas Edison executed his first patent, by signing and dating his application. It was received by the U.S. Patent Office with an application date of 28 Oct 1868, and it was issued as No. 90,646 on 1 Jun 1869. His invention was an “Electrographic Vote-Recorder,” the first of its kind, which he designed for use by legislative bodies, such as the U.S. Congress, who would have been enabled to vote for or against an issue by turning a switch to the right or left. His idea remained unappreciated. Thus, his first patented invention was, in effect, a failure. His next invention was a Printing Telegraph, U.S. Patent No. 91,527, issued 22 Jun 1869. He eventually held over 1,500 patents.