science · 05 December 1935 · 90 years ago
In 1935, the first large hydroponicum was established in Montebello, Cal., by Ernest W. Brundin and Frank F. Lyon, who installed a circulating system. They were issued a U.S. patent on 1 Dec 1936 for a "system of water culture." They incorporated on 19 Oct 1937 as the Chemi-Culture Company.Benefits of chemiculture include higher yields in less space, can be used even in desert gardening, quicker growth and attracts least diseases. The word hydroponics was coined in the early 1930s, by Professor Gericke at U.C.L.A. to describe the growing of plants with their roots suspended in water containing mineral nutrients. It comes from two Greek words: "hydro" (water) and "ponos" (to work, labor).