science · 05 December 1876 · 149 years ago
In 1876, a U.S. patent for the first practical pipe wrench - the Stillson wrench - was issued to Daniel C. Stillson of Somerville, Mass. (No. 184,993). In 1869, he had whittled a model out of wood, which he showed to his boss at the Walworth Company. He recognised the wooden pattern showed a new type of pipe wrench, superior to anything else in use at that time, and badly needed in the growing pipe industry. Stillson was instructed to test one built in steel. The test convinced the company owner that the concept was sound. Stillson obtained a patent, and offered to sell the patent for a small outright payment. Instead, the owner graciously advised Stillson accept royalties instead. Stillson thus earned far more in his lifetime.