science · 25 April 1957 · 68 years ago
In 1957, an experimental sodium reactor (SRE) began self-sustaining nuclear fission with 350ºF sodium in the core. By 12 Nov 1957 if first provided electricity to Moorpark, California. It achieved full power on 21 May 1958. Design began Jun 1954, site excavation started in Mar 1955, and construction was finished in Feb 1957. The reactor, which used sodium as coolant, was located in the Santa Susana Mountains, about 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California. It was built for the Atomic Energy Commission by Atomics International, a division of North American Aviation., Inc. The decision to deactivate the Sodium Reactor Experiment was made in the fall of 1966 and deactivation activities completed by Jun 1968. Decommissioning, demolition and decontamination was completed in 1983.