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American Museum of Natural...

science · 09 April 1869 · 156 years ago

American Museum of Natural History incorporated In 1869, a society in the name of the American Museum of Natural history was incorporated. Its founding had been urged in a letter, dated 30 Dec 1868, and sent to Andrew H. Green, Comptroller of Central Park, New York, signed by 19 persons, including Theodore Roosevelt, A.G. Phelps Dodge and J. Piermont Morgan. They wrote: “A number of gentlemen having long desired that a great Museum of Natural History should be established in Central Park, and having now the opportunity of securing a rare and very valuable collection as a nucleus of such Museum, the undersigned wish to enquire if you are disposed to provide for its reception and development.” Their suggestion was accepted by the Park officials. Collections were purchased, and thus the great museum began. It opened 27 Apr 1871.

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