Date | Text | |
30 Nov 1919
Andrew Douglass |
Andrew Douglass (biology) Andrew Douglass proposes dendrochronology dating. |
30 Nov 1919
HIV (biology) The HIV pandemic almost certainly originates in Léopoldville, modern-day Kinshasa, the capital of the Belgian Congo. |
30 Nov 1919
Newcomen Society |
Newcomen Society (history of science a) Newcomen Society founded in the United Kingdom for the study of the history of engineering and technology. |
30 Nov 1919
Frederick Banting |
Frederick Banting (medicine) Frederick Banting and Charles Best co-discover insulin. |
30 Nov 1919
Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt |
Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt (medicine) Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt first describes some of the symptoms of what will become known as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. |
30 Nov 1919
Hydrocodone |
Hydrocodone (medicine) Hydrocodone, a narcotic analgesic closely related to codeine, is first synthesized in Germany by Carl Mannich and Helene Löwenheim. |
30 Nov 1919
Milutin Milanković |
Milutin Milanković (meteorology) Milutin Milanković proposes that long term climatic cycles may be due to changes in the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and changes in the Earth's obliquity ("Milankovitch cycles"). |
30 Nov 1919
Megh Nad Saha |
Megh Nad Saha (physics) Megh Nad Saha states his ionization equation. |
30 Nov 1919
Albert Einstein |
Albert Einstein (physics) Albert Einstein delivers his Leiden Lecture. |
30 Nov 1919
Arthur Eddington |
Arthur Eddington (physics) Publication of Arthur Eddington's observation of the "bending of light" during the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919, confirming Einstein's theory of general relativity. |
30 Nov 1919
Ernest Rutherford |
Ernest Rutherford (physics) Ernest Rutherford predicts the existence of the neutron. |
30 Nov 1919
James Jeans |
James Jeans (physics) James Jeans discovers that the dynamical constants of motion determine the distribution function for a system of particles. |
30 Nov 1919
Alan A. Griffith |
Alan A. Griffith (physics) Publication of Alan A. Griffith's analysis of the process of brittle fracture. |
30 Nov 1919
John B. Watson |
John B. Watson (psychology) John B. Watson conducts the Little Albert experiment in classical conditioning. |
30 Nov 1919
Prague |
Prague Publication in Prague of Karel Čapek's drama R.U.R: Rossum's Universal Robots, introducing the word Robot to the world. |