Date | Text | |
30 Nov 1963
cosmic microwave background radiation |
cosmic microwave background radiation (astronomy and space ) First recognition of cosmic microwave background radiation as a detectable phenomenon. |
30 Nov 1963
Robin Holliday |
Robin Holliday (biology) British molecular biologist Robin Holliday proposes existence of the Holliday junction in nucleic acid. |
30 Nov 1963
PL/I |
PL/I (computer science) PL/I (Programming Language I), a block-structured computer language, is created by George Radin, while at IBM. |
30 Nov 1963
Good Friday |
Good Friday (earth sciences) March 27 (Good Friday) – Great Alaskan earthquake, the second most powerful known, with a magnitude of 9.2. |
30 Nov 1963
Paul Cohen |
Paul Cohen (mathematics) Paul Cohen proves the independence of the continuum hypothesis. |
30 Nov 1963
Jacques Tits |
Jacques Tits (mathematics) Jacques Tits publishes significant work on group theory. |
30 Nov 1963
Jerome Horowitz |
Jerome Horowitz (medicine) Jerome Horowitz synthesizes zidovudine (AZT), an antiviral drug that will come to be used in treating HIV. |
30 Nov 1963
Temazepam |
Temazepam (medicine) Temazepam first synthesized. |
30 Nov 1963
Portugal |
Portugal (medicine) Fernando Alves Martins of Portugal applies optical fiber technology to a gastrocamera to produce the first such device with a flexible fiberscope, for use in esophagogastroduodenoscopy. |
30 Nov 1963
papers |
papers (physics) Three papers are published by Robert Brout and François Englert,Peter Higgs, and Gerald Guralnik, Dick Hagen, and Tom Kibble, predicting the Higgs boson and Higgs mechanism (or Englert–Brout–Higgs–Guralnik–Hagen–Kibble mechanism) which provides the means by which gauge bosons can acquire non-zero masses in the process of spontaneous symmetry breaking. As part of Physical Review Letters ' 50th anniversary celebration, the journal will recognize each of these contributions as milestone papers in its history. |
30 Nov 1963
charm quark |
charm quark (physics) Existence of the charm quark is speculated by James Bjorken and Sheldon Glashow. |
30 Nov 1963
John Stewart Bell |
John Stewart Bell (physics) John Stewart Bell publishes a paper on the EPR paradox originating Bell's theorem. |
30 Nov 1963
Eric Berne |
Eric Berne (psychology) Publication of Eric Berne's book Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships. |
30 Nov 1963
Farrington Daniels |
Farrington Daniels (technology) Farrington Daniels' book Direct Use of the Sun's Energy is published. |