Date | Text | |
30 Nov 1988
Asteroid 5128 Wakabayashi |
Asteroid 5128 Wakabayashi (astronomy) Asteroid 5128 Wakabayashi is discovered by Masahiro Koishikawa. |
30 Nov 1988
4292 Aoba |
4292 Aoba (astronomy) 4292 Aoba is discovered. |
30 Nov 1988
4871 Riverside |
4871 Riverside (astronomy) 4871 Riverside is discovered. |
30 Nov 1988
6089 Izumi |
6089 Izumi (astronomy) 6089 Izumi is discovered. |
30 Nov 1988
6190 Rennes |
6190 Rennes (astronomy) 6190 Rennes is discovered |
30 Nov 1988
8084 Dallas |
8084 Dallas (astronomy) 8084 Dallas is discovered. |
30 Nov 1988
cystic fibrosis |
cystic fibrosis (biology) Discovery of the cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator gene. |
30 Nov 1988
Department of Conservation |
Department of Conservation (biology) The New Zealand Department of Conservation begins to implement a Kakapo Recovery Plan. |
30 Nov 1988
carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere |
carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere (environment) The global concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere reaches 350 ppm (parts per million) by volume. |
30 Nov 1988
hepatitis C virus |
hepatitis C virus (physiology and medic) The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is first identified. |
30 Nov 1988
Isamu Akasaki |
Isamu Akasaki (technology) Isamu Akasaki produces the first Gallium nitride p-n junction blue/UV light-emitting diode. |
30 Nov 1988
Turing Award |
Turing Award (awards) Turing Award – William (Velvel) Kahan |
27 Feb 1989
Konrad Lorenz |
death Konrad Lorenz Died 27 Feb 1989 at age 85 (born 7 Nov 1903). Austrian zoologist, who founded modern ethology (the study of animal behaviour by means of comparative zoological methods). He was known affectionately by his pupils as the “father of the grey geese” which he studied. His ideas revealed how behavioral patterns may be traced to an evolutionary past, and he was also known for his work on the roots of aggression. He shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for developing a unified, evolutionary theory of animal and human behaviour. He was also a vehement environmentalist, criticizing prodigality and believed that nature protection is necessary for the preservation of humanity. Even late in life, he participated in demonstrations even if in conflict with government and authorities. |
23 Mar 1989
Stanley Pons |
Stanley Pons (physics) Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann announce cold fusion at the University of Utah. |
31 Mar 1989
Dinosaur embryo |
Dinosaur embryo In 1989, a 150-million-year-old fossil egg discovered in Utah was found by CAT scan to contain the oldest dinosaur embryo. The egg was still inside the mother, supposedly. is the first known egg from the 100-million-year gap in the fossil record between Lower Jurassic (South Africa) and upper Lower Cretaceous (Utah). The discovery of the egg, which was found mixed in with thousands of dinosaur bones rather than in a nest, the pathological multilayering of the eggshell as found in modern and fossil reptilians, and the pliable condition of the eggshell at the time of burial indicate an oviducal retention of the egg at the time of burial. |
17 Jul 1989
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit |
Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit (technology) The Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit "Stealth Bomber" aircraft, developed for the United States Air Force, first flies. |
26 Jul 1989
grand jury |
grand jury (computer science) A federal grand jury indicts Cornell University student Robert Tappan Morris, Jr. for releasing a computer virus, making him the first person to be prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the United States. |
01 Aug 1989
Asteroid |
Asteroid (astronomy) Asteroid 4769 Castalia is the first asteroid directly imaged, by radar from Arecibo. |
12 Aug 1989
William Bradford Shockley |
death William Bradford Shockley William Bradford Shockley (born 1910), physicist. |
20 Aug 1989
George Adamson |
death George Adamson George Adamson (born 1906), wildlife conservationist. |
23 Aug 1989
R. D. Laing |
death R. D. Laing Died 23 Aug 1989 at age 61 (born 7 Oct 1927). Ronald David Laing was a British psychiatrist who was noted for his alternative approach to the treatment of schizophrenia. His first book, The Divided Self, was an attempt to explain schizophrenia by using existentialist philosophy to vividly portray the inner world of a schizophrenic, which Laing presented as an attempt to live in an unlivable situation. His work tends to be dismissed by most psychiatrists; however, droves of mentally ill people insist that this was a man who truly understood how they felt. Laing always insisted that psychotherapists should act as shamans, exorcising the illness through a process of mutual catharsis. Since Laing refused to view mental illness in biomedical/clinical terms, he has often been labelled as part of the so-called 'antipsychiatry' movement. |
24 Aug 1989
Voyager 2 |
Voyager 2 In 1989, the U.S. space probe Voyager 2 ended the final planetary fly-by of its mission, leaving Neptune behind after taking photgraphs showing three complete rings and six previously unknown moons. It had also collected data showing that Neptune's atmosphere was stormy, and had a notable magnetic field oriented at an angle to its axis of rotation. The surface features of Triton, its largest moon, were also photographed.. |
25 Aug 1989
Neptune |
Neptune (astronomy) The Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Neptune, providing definitive proof of the planet's rings. |
29 Aug 1989
Sir Peter Scott |
death Sir Peter Scott Died 29 Aug 1989 at age 79 (born 14 Sep 1909). Sir Peter Markham Scott, son of Robert Falcon Scott (Scott of the Antarctic), was a British naturalist, conservationist, artist, and author. He was a founder of both the Severn Wildfowl Trust (1946, now renamed as the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust) and the World Wildlife Fund. From 1953 to 1970 he hosted the environmental television series Look for the British Broadcasting Corporation. (In 1978, he gave the Loch Ness Monster a scientific name, Nessiteras rhombopteryx. Scottish Member of Parliament Nicholas Fairbairn later anagrammed it: "Monster Hoax by Sir Peter S." ) |
29 Aug 1989
Peter Scott |
death Peter Scott Peter Scott (born 1909), conservationist. |
05 Sep 1989
Pluto |
Pluto (astronomy) Pluto–Charon barycentre comes to perihelion. |
11 Oct 1989
M. King Hubbert |
death M. King Hubbert M. King Hubbert (born 1903), geophysicist. |
14 Dec 1989
Andrei Sakharov |
death Andrei Sakharov Andrei Sakharov (born 1921), nuclear physicist. |