Date | Text | |
30 Nov 1983
National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (astronomy and space ) The National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the United States converts the 36-foot radio telescope on Kitt Peak (originally built in 1967) to the ARO 12m Radio Telescope. |
30 Nov 1983
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (biology) First known case of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, in England. |
30 Nov 1983
enzyme |
enzyme (biology) The enzyme telomerase is discovered by Carol W. Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn in the ciliate Tetrahymena. |
30 Nov 1983
Peter Kramer |
Peter Kramer (chemistry and physic) Peter Kramer and Dan Shechtman publish their discoveries of what will soon afterwards be named quasicrystals. |
30 Nov 1983
Robert Gwyn Macfarlane |
Robert Gwyn Macfarlane (history of science) Robert Gwyn Macfarlane publishes Alexander Fleming: The Man and the Myth. |
30 Nov 1983
hominid |
hominid (paleontology) The fossil skeleton of the hominid "Turkana Boy" is discovered in Kenya. |
30 Nov 1983
Turing Award |
Turing Award (awards) Turing Award – Niklaus Wirth |
24 Jan 1984
Apple Computer |
Apple Computer (computer science) Apple Computer place the Macintosh personal computer on sale in the United States. It will be the first successful PC to use a graphical user interface. |
03 Feb 1984
John Buster |
John Buster (physiology and medic) Dr. John Buster and the research team at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center announce history's first embryo transfer from one woman to another resulting in a live birth. |
07 Feb 1984
Astronauts |
Astronauts (astronomy and space ) Astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart make the first untethered space walk. |
21 Feb 1984
Anna Baetjer |
death Anna Baetjer Anna Baetjer (b. 1899), American toxicologist. |
22 Apr 1984
Robert Gallo |
Robert Gallo (physiology and medic) Dr. Robert Gallo and Margaret Heckler of United States Public Health Service announce the discovery of HTLV-III as the virus that causes AIDS. |
13 May 1984
Stanislaw Ulam |
death Stanislaw Ulam Stanislaw Ulam (b. 1909), Polish American mathematician. |
24 May 1984
Stanley Hooker |
death Stanley Hooker Sir Stanley Hooker (b. 1907), English aeronautical engineer. |
06 Jun 1984
tile-matching video game |
tile-matching video game (computer science) The Tetris tile-matching video game, designed by Alexey Pajitnov, is launched in the Soviet Union. |
21 Jul 1984
Jackson |
Jackson (technology) In Jackson, Michigan, a factory robot crushes a worker against a safety bar in apparently the first robot-related death in the United States. |
11 Aug 1984
George Streisinger |
death George Streisinger George Streisinger (b. 1927), Hungarian American molecular biologist, the first person to clone a vertebrate. |
14 Oct 1984
Sir Martin Ryle |
death Sir Martin Ryle Died 14 Oct 1984 at age 66 (born 27 Sep 1918). English radio astronomer who worked on radar for British wartime defense. After WW II, he became a leader in the development of radio astronomy by designing revolutionary radio telescope systems to use for accurate location of weak radio sources. With his aperture synthesis technique of interferometry, he and his team located radio-emitting regions on the sun and pinpointed other radio sources so that they could be studied in visible light. Ryle observed the most distant known galaxies of the universe. His 1C - 5C Cambridge catalogues of radio sources led to the discovery of numerous radio galaxies and quasars. For his aperture synthesis technique, Ryle shared the 1974 Nobel Prize for Physics (with Antony Hewish), the first such recognition of astronomical research. He was the 12th Astronomer Royal (1972-82). |
20 Oct 1984
Paul Dirac |
death Paul Dirac Paul Dirac (b. 1902), English-born physicist. |
20 Dec 1984
Stanley Milgram |
death Stanley Milgram Stanley Milgram (b. 1933), American social psychologist. |